Posts Tagged: New Years Resolutions

In 2021, Enough is Enough

Nobody is perfect. When I wrote that JOMO was my word for 2020, part of my logic, was the power of saying No. 12 months later, I’ve not made the progress I had intended. We’ve spent at least 9 months trying to seek the Joy Of Missing Out on all kinds of things that we’d … Read more …

Anne-Marie at Boulders Beach on 8 Mar 2019

2020 – My year of Joy and of ‘Missing Out’

Back in 2018, my speaking agent dropped me a note asking whether I’d do an exciting gig in Cape Town. I was ready to say yes, but the event date really troubled me. 7th March meant that I’d have to do the ridiculous thing of not being in London during the busiest period for a … Read more …

Thanks to 2018, I can go beyond in 2019

My guiding word for 2017 was Scale. It was an overwhelming year. So much so that I let it roll into 2018 without as much of a roundup blog. My word for 2018 was Nudge. My ‘remix’ of nudge theory was to make small intentional changes in order to help me better cope with any … Read more …