Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE and Lewis Hamilton MBE on stage at the 2019 meConvention to open the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show

I’ve joined the Hamilton Commission, led by Lewis Hamilton MBE

Last September to open the IAA’s Frankfurt Motor Show, in front of an audience of a few hundred, I interviewed Lewis Hamilton. It was surreal for many reasons – I’m not a petrolhead, it was my second time on the stage at the event. And obviously, I was interviewing THE Lewis Hamilton. Fast forward … Read more …

Confession Time – I can’t live without my BuJo

But by far the biggest discovery on the platform has been the Bullet Journal aka ‘BuJo’. A ‘craze’ started a few years ago that has millions of dedicated Instagram accounts it’s a to-do list meets planner meets diary in a physical notebook. For a flavour, check out the #bujo hashtag on Instagram.