
After weighing up 2016, 2017 is the year to scale.

It’s been said that 2016 hasn’t been the best of years. Memes abound of this being the year we’ll want to forget or the year that will now be the answer to most pub quiz questions. For me, it was supposed to be the year of ‘push’; the passing of various people, the results of … Read more …

Go on, push me. It’s 2016.

My word in 2015 was ‘Build’. I completed on a flat in London; we recruited more people into the Stemettes team; about 4000 girls attended events, workshops and talks from the UK and across Europe. As hoped in 2014 my network of advisors and mentors grew, I started keeping receipts and I grew in experience.  There were plenty of unplanned and unexpected … Read more …

This year I’m becoming a builder

For me, 2014 was all about focus. I drastically cut the number of projects I was working on and roles I was performing. I dropped extras and was extra discerning about what I spent my time doing. Living a pared back life and dedicating myself to just a few things actually worked! AND as I … Read more …